Rachel Ashley is a high school graduate. This baby girl is my heart. We have been through thick and thin. We've been frustrated and we've cried, we've shared and we've giggled. I have learned so much from her and the way that God has used me in her life, and I've never been so proud of her then the last year.
Rachy, you are my sugar. You are my heart. I will never leave you and I will always be here for you. Thank you for letting me push you and keep you. Thank you for protecting me :) I know you could kick some booty if need be. I love you more than you know and I pray that the Lord strengthens you and grows you through this next phase in your life. Remember you have SO much ahead of you, and there will be times that things don't go well... but you will get through all things because our Jesus is so good to provide strength, grace and unconditional love. Be strong. Make good choices. HAVE FUN!
i love you.
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